Irvine Colony Tennis/Pickleball Court Rules

This is a draft of court rule changes. 

If you have any question or suggestions, please contact Chung Lau @ 949-229-2268 or

It scheduled to be reviewed and voted on by the board of directors on the next board meeting at 7:00 PM 5/16/24 (3rd Thursday of the month) at the Colony club house. 

If you have any concerns and would like to speak to the board during the meeting, please submit email request to property manager: Lisa Bryce <>.

For a better understanding of the rules, please read the FAQ in link below:

Below are summary of changes:

1. Renamed tennis court to Tennis/Pickleball court and replaced the wording tennis with tennis/pickleball on all the rules.

2. Replaced wording homeowner to resident.

3. Changed the court rule numbering method to unified numbering instead of section numbering.

4. Added the new PTL system.

5. Revised the reservation cancellation rules.

6. Changed the reservation lead time from 2 hours to 5 minutes. The reason for this change is players are guaranteed to get the court before they head out to play.

7. Added Prime Time reservation restriction and removed 3 days reservation on same time slot restriction as it is kind of redundant. 

8. Added Enforcing Court Rules and Reporting Violations.



1.    Irvine Colony community tennis/pickleball courts can only be used by its residents and their guests.  Trespassers will be prosecuted to the fullest extent permitted by law.

2.    Residents may not share/loan court key or reservation account to non-residents.

3.    Players must show valid picture ID with home address (such as driver’s license) upon request by other residents for proof of residency. Players who fail to show proof of residency must vacate the court.

4.    All residents may use the tennis/pickleball courts during such hours as determined by the Facilities committee.  Current court hours are 7am-10pm daily.

5.    All residents are allowed to bring guests. There must be at least one resident participating on court.  One resident household can only use one court, unless the other court is not being used.


Reservation System Account Creation


6.    To use the reservation system, player must submit an email request to the tennis/pickleball court coordinator ( to have an account created.

7.    The email must contain the following information:

 ·         Resident’s first name and last name

·         Home address

·         Phone number

·         Email address

 8.    Your account will be created once your residency status is verified. The estimated turnaround time is within 2 business days. Note: only one account per resident address

9.    You will receive an email with account login information. You need to create a new password upon first login


Court Reservation and Play Time

For any scheduling issues/conflicts or information on how to use, please contact the tennis/pickleball court coordinator (

10. Court reservations must be made on website below:

11. Maximum court time reservation is 2 hours per day and 8 hours per week. For better weekend planning, a reservation week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.

12. Prime Time reservations are restricted to 4 hours per week. Prime Time is defined as 5 pm to 8 pm Monday thru Friday and 8 am to 12 pm Saturday/Sunday. Note: if a reservation starts at 4 pm and ends at 6 pm, 1 hour of Prime Time is used.

13. Reservations must be made at least 5 minutes prior to play time and reservations cannot be made more than 2 weeks in advance.

14. Players shall forfeit their reservation if they are more than 10 minutes late for their reservation time.

15. If players are unable to play for any reason, they must cancel the reservation according to the following rules:

·       Reservations made more than 24 hours in advance of reservation time must be canceled at least 24 hours prior to the reservation time (in order to avoid having those reservation hours included in residents daily and weekly time limits)

o   For example, a reservation for Tuesday at 5pm must be canceled by Monday at 5pm. If the reservation is canceled after 5pm on Monday, the total reservation hours will be included in the residents’ daily, prime time, and weekly usage totals.

·       Reservations made within 24 hours of reservation time can be cancelled 1 hour prior to the reservation time (in order to avoid having those reservation hours included in residents daily, prime time, and weekly time limits)

o   For example, a reservation made on Thursday night, for Friday at 7pm must be canceled by 6pm on Friday. If the reservation is canceled after 6pm, the total reservation hours will be included in the residents’ daily, prime time, and weekly usage totals.

·       Note1 - If the cancellation is due to change of reservation time, it is exempt from above rules. 

Players are allowed to change reservation time (not day) one hour prior to the reserved time regardless when the reservation was made. The process of changing reservation time in current system is to cancel existing reservation and reserve a new one for the same day.

  •   Note2 - As a courtesy to other players, please cancel reservations ASAP if you are not able to play

 15.1 If players do not show up for their reservation, they shall forfeit their next reservation and those reservation hours will be included in the residents’ daily, prime time, and weekly usage totals.

16.  Open courts are on a first-come first-serve basis.

17. Time limits (including warm up time) for both open court and reserved courts are a combined total of two (2) hours per day, per resident/account. Note, with this rule, once you have met the 2 hour limit, you must cancel any unused reservations for the day; furthermore, you cannot make new reservations for the remainder of the day.

18. Groups may not camp on a court and monopolize play amongst their group.  When others are waiting, all players and group members must vacate the court when the time limit expires.


Play Time Log (PTL)

19. A printed PTL sheet is placed on the bulletin board at the tennis/pickleball court. The PTL sheet contains following columns:

·        Date

·        Start Time

·        End Time

·        Resident's Name

·        Resident's Address

·        Court #

20. Players must first check-in on the PTL sheet when they take possession of a court to play (either via reservation or open court).

21. When done playing, players should enter the End Time on the PTL sheet. If players don't enter the End Time, it is assumed the play time is 2 hours.

22. For players whose play time has expired or players that don't check-in on the PTL sheet, they must vacate the court immediately if there are players waiting to play.

23. Player’s reservations are reconciled against the PTL sheet. To avoid the penalty of forfeiting your next reservation, please make sure to cancel the reservation if you are unable to play.

Additional Court Rules

 24.  Players must wear appropriate tennis/pickleball attire and shoes. Note shoes with black soles are not permitted on the courts.

24.1 No practicing against windscreens.

25.  No food or drinks allowed on the courts with the exception of a plastic water bottles or non-breakable containers.





30. All court-cleaning equipment (i.e. brooms, squeegees, etc.) should be stored off of the ground and hung from the interior side of the court fence to help keep the equipment in good working condition.

31. Damage to tennis/pickleball courts and equipment must be reported to the Facilities committee or property management immediately for timely repair. All players using the court are responsible for damage to the tennis/pickleball courts or equipment resulting from inappropriate behavior.

32. Courts will remain shut and locked at all times.  Court gates are not to be propped open.  Do not leave keys in the locks.

33. The last player using the courts is responsible for securely closing the court gates

34. Observe the rules of tennis/pickleball etiquette and good sportsmanship. Inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated and the offending player will be asked to stop participating.

35. Repeat violations of any of the above regulations will result in person(s) being brought before the Board of Directors and the Facilities committee for review.

36. Children younger than 14 years of age must be supervised at all times by an adult.

37. Users are solely responsible and financially liable for any damages resulting from their use of the facilities or areas. We don’t think injuries should be included here? Probably need to check with BOD and property management.

38. Gambling in any form is prohibited on the premises.


Tennis/pickleball Instructors


39. Tennis/pickleball instructors who are also Colony residents must adhere to the same Court Reservation And Play Time rules. Their students are treated as guests.

40. Tennis/pickleball instructors who are not Colony residents are allowed to give lessons to only Colony residents on the premises. They are not allowed to give lessons to non-Colony residents on the premises.

Enforcing Court Rules and Reporting Violations

All players are expected to follow the court rules. If violations occur (either on the court or on the reservation system), all players have the responsibility to report the incident to the tennis/pickleball coordinator and the property manager (so that it gets forwarded to the Board of Directors).

Upon receiving the violation report and depending on the nature/severity of the violation, the board of directors will take appropriate action.

For court reservation violations, the protocol below will be followed via email communications:

  1. The tennis/pickleball court coordinator will attempt to contact the offender to make necessary corrections.
  2. If violation is not corrected within 24 hours, the coordinator will report the incident (including a recommended action to be taken) to the board of directors.
  3. The board of directors will review the incident and approve/deny the action.
  4. If action is approved, the coordinator/property manager will notify the resident of the violation and the corresponding action.
  5. For repeat offenders, the board of directors may apply severe punishment including disabling offender’s reservation account and suspending or terminating further use of the courts.


Last revision: 4/29/2024


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