New court rules 10/7/2024


Dear Colony Residents,

The new Tennis/Pickleball court rules were adopted at the 8/15/2024, Regular Board Meeting.

The new rules take effect as of 9/26/2024 and will be strictly enforced starting Monday, 10/7/2024.

Link below please find the new court rules.

Below are highlight of changes:

  1. Changed reservation system account creation process to ensure only residents can use the system.
  2. Added the new Play Time Log (PTL) check in/out system (see FAQ below).
  3. Added Prime Time reservation restriction (4 hrs./week) and removed 3 days reservation on same time slot restriction as it is kind of redundant. This change allows more players to have a chance to reserve the court during Prime Time.
  4. Revised the reservation cancellation rules to prevent system abuse.
  5. Changed the reservation lead time from 2 hours to 5 minutes. The change guarantees players to have the open court before they head out to play.
  6. Added Enforcing Court Rules and Reporting Violations.
  7. Renamed tennis court to Tennis/Pickleball court and replaced the wording tennis with tennis/pickleball on all the rules.
  8. Replaced wording homeowner to resident.

Irvine Colony Club Tennis/Pickleball Rules FAQ


1. What is Play Time Log (PTL)?

Play Time Log is a paper based check-in and check-out sign-up sheet to track court usage. It is posted on the bulletin board inside the tennis/pickleball court.

2. What is the purpose of PTL?

Although PTL check-in/out may seem inconvenient to players, it serves the following important functions:

       a. To track play time in order to prevent players from unfairly monopolizing the court
       b. To track players who reserve the court but are a no show
       c. To gather more accurate court utilization stats for future service enhancements

3. Do I have to check-in on the PTL sheet each time I play?

Yes. You must check-in on the PTL sheet each time you play regardless of whether you play on an open court or a reserved court. Without PTL check-in, we don’t know how long you have been using the court; thus, If you don't check-in on the PTL sheet, it is a rule violation and other players have the right to take over the court, even if you have the reservation.

4. I already made an online reservation. Do I still need to check-in on the PTL sheet when I play?

Yes. If you have an online reservation and don't check-in on the PTL sheet when you play, you will be counted as a no show and penalized per court rules.

5. Why can't we setup the PTL sheet online?

Players need to be physically on the court in order to check-in on the PTL sheet to provide a more accurate insight into actual court usage. That said, we can review its effectiveness in 6 months and decide the best approach.

6. Can I use PTL to make court reservations?

No. PTL is not a reservation system. It is an activity log.

7. My PTL time exceeds 2 hours per day or 8 hours per week. Is that ok?

Yes. It is within the rules that you can play more than 2 hours per day or 8 hours per week utilizing open courts.

8. I saw an open court and also verified there is no online reservation for the next hour. Am I guaranteed to have the court for the next hour?

No. If other players reserve the court while you are playing, you will lose your court.
To guarantee you have the court, you should go online and reserve it before playing. If you have already reached the limit of your reservations, it is reasonable for those who have not yet maximized their reservations to use the court, even though this may pose an inconvenience for you.

9. Can you explain how various reservation time limits work?

The reservation time limits are designed to provide all residents a fair share of court usage. Below are explanations on each time limit:

2 hours per day

The daily time limit for both open court and reserved court is a combined total of 2 hours per resident/account. Once you have reached the 2-hour limit, you must cancel any unused reservations for the day; furthermore, you cannot make new reservations for the remainder of the day. If there are open courts, you may continue to use the open courts on a first come first served basis.

8 hours per week

The weekly time limit for both open court and reserved court is a combined total of 8 hours per resident/account. Once you have reached the 8-hour limit, you must cancel any unused reservations for the week; furthermore, you cannot make new reservations for the remainder of the week. For the remainder of the week, you can only use open courts on a first come first served basis.

4 hours Prime Time per week

The Prime Time weekly limit for both open court and reserved court is a combined total of 4 hours per resident/account. Once you have reached the 4-hour limit, you must cancel any unused Prime Time reservations for the week; furthermore, you cannot make new Prime Time reservations for the remainder of the week. For the remainder of the week, you can only use open courts on a first come first served basis. Note Prime Time is included in the 8 hours per week time limit.

Please note:

  • The time limit is on residents/accounts (track by PTL) and not on players. Players can play under their own accounts and play as invited guests under other residents' accounts; thus, there is no play time limit on players.
  • The time limit "week" is 7 consecutive days starting on Monday and ending on Sunday.
  •  "Prime Time" is defined as 5pm-8pm Monday thru Friday AND 8am-12pm Saturday and Sunday.

10. Our group arrived early and started playing 30 minutes prior to our reservation. When there are people waiting for the court, do we have to give up our court after playing for 2 hours even though our reservation time has not yet ended?

Yes. Since you already reached the daily 2 hour limit, you must yield the court to others who have not yet maximized their daily usage time.

11. Our group has already played 2 hours in the morning on an open court. We still have a 2 hour reservation in the afternoon. Do we have to cancel the afternoon reservation?

Yes. To abide by the club rules, you must cancel the afternoon reservation.
If there is still an open court in the afternoon, you can use it in a first come first served basis.

12. My group already played 2 hours. Now another group wants to take over the court even though they also played for more than 2 hours earlier. Who has the right to use the court?

We have to use common sense to resolve this issue since there is no court rule addressing this exact situation. Being a good neighbor, the group should yield the court to whoever has the most need for the court. If that doesn’t work, the group who played more hours this week should yield the court. If both groups played the same amount of time this week, you need to yield the court to the other group and take turns playing 30 minutes each time.

13. A group was more than 10 minutes late to their reservation. Do I have the right to take over the court?

If the group is 10 minutes late, their reservation is forfeited and it becomes an open court. If you have not reached the daily 2 hours usage limit, you can take over the court; however, if you already reached the daily 2 hours usage limit, you must yield the court to other players who have not yet reached their court usage time limit even though they forfeited their reservation.

14. I am unable to play on my reserved time today. Can I let my friends play without me being there?

No. You must be at the court for your reservation. You can invite friends to play but you must be a participant. If you are unable to play for any reason, you need to cancel the reservation as soon as possible.

15. I have already reached my reservation time limits and still want to play. What should I do?

  • a. Check the online reservation system to see if any court is open.
  • b. If there is an open court, go there and check to see if anyone is using it.
  • c. If all the courts are occupied, check the PTL sheet and see how long they have been playing.
  • d. If they have been playing for more than 2 hours (or did not check-in), you have the right to take the court; otherwise, wait for your turn.

16. The reservation cancellation rules seem complicated. Why?

The reservation cancellation rules are designed to prevent players from abusing the reservation system, which we have seen in recent months.

17. We are using a free reservation system website. Is it safe?

We take system hacking and data breach seriously. We provide minimum resident information to the reservation system, resident name and email address only. We do not enter the resident’s real phone number or home address into the reservation system. The website we use, although free, has strong security measures and a strict privacy policy. Please read their statements in links below:


Last Revision: 10/06/2024


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